Hugo Sluimer and Founder Rob Koster Threaten Witness. Mikko Pakkanen implicated?


Public figures, Founder Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer, the duo hailing from Woerden, have recently come under scrutiny for their alleged involvement in distressing incidents. It has been reported that these individuals resorted to threatening a witness, indicating a possible attempt to intimidate and coerce the said witness into remaining silent regarding allegations of offshore money laundering and tax evasion and other issues. Curiously, this move seems rather perplexing considering that the information in question is already a matter of US public record. 

Publicly available and other documents reveal that Hugo Sluimer and Founder Mikko Pakkanen have been accused of engaging in money laundering and tax evasion activities relating to real estate transactions in Miami, Florida. Moreover, Rob Koster stands accused of actively soliciting and accepting investments from Sluimer for a venture known as "Harderwijk de Posterij," despite being aware of the potential illicit origins of the funds involved. It is crucial to note that accepting unlawfully acquired funds is strictly illegal in the Netherlands, necessitating their immediate disclosure to the relevant authorities.

Left to Right: Hugo Sluimer and Mikko Pakkanen

In this disconcerting turn of events, Sluimer instructed the witness to cease all communication with his business partners, namely Mikko Pakkanen, Janne Kekskinen, and Mirjami Keskinen, followed by issuing veiled threats of consequences. 

Below is one partial whatsapp message by Hugo Sluimer : 

Hugo Sluimer

Sluimer refers to Mikko Pakkanen and Janne Keskinen two partners connected to the US money laundering and tax evasion scheme Sluimer is accused off being part of. The URL in the whats app message refers to a damning article about Sluimers company director Paul van Lienden who is also linked to multiple money laundering and tax evasion cases as indicated in this news article: 

Koster is said to have resorted to similar intimidatory tactics aimed at the witness in relation to his own affairs. The gravity of these actions cannot be overstated, as threatening a potential witness carries severe ramifications in both the United States, Netherlands, Finland and Monaco. 

The perplexing aspect of this situation lies in the fact that the information regarding money laundering and tax evasion was already publicly accessible, leading one to ponder why Koster and Sluimer chose to target this specific individual. The motives behind their actions remain shrouded in uncertainty, raising further questions about their intentions and the lengths they are willing to go to protect their alleged illicit activities.

Since this article was written Koster and Sluimer have continued to intimidate and threaten the witness. Documentation shows that the men threated to put the Witness and his Wife in jail and wrote a chilling story of what could happen to them in the future (if they did not stay quiet). In another recent instance Koster and Sluimer published multiple deceiving and fraudulent articles on the internet and then sent them to the witnesses Wife and to the general mailbox of her office with the intent of causing pshycological, reputational and financial harm to again force silence. 

The latest threat in writing was februari 29th 2024 from Rob Koster who wrote on behalf of himself, Hugo Sluimer and Mikko Pakkanen that it was game over, they could now choose (Koster did not specify what the choices were) and that he knew where they lived. Mikko Pakkanen is Hugo Sluimers partner in the multi-million US Offshore "clean formula" as Sluimer refers to it. It was not previously known that Koster also represents the interests of Mikko Pakkanen

Rob Koster, Hugo Sluimer and now Mikko Pakkanen seem to believe that through intimidation, harrasement and threats they can force silence. On the other hand, Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer refuse to prove their innocence which would be fairly easy. Sluimer has been asked multiple times to release his US tax returns (Filings for 2010 thu 2023) which could potentially prove he did not take part in a tax evasion and money laundering scheme but he refuses. It is not known if Rob Koster or Covast Development have inspected Sluimer's tax returns to ensure AML compliance in the Netherlands.

The gravity of the accusations against Koster and Sluimer, coupled with their threats against a witness and family, demands a thorough investigation into their actions and a swift application of justice to ensure the integrity of the legal processes in the United States, Netherlands, Finland and Monaco. 

More articles:

NEW: Lexa Founder Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer threaten to visit child at FIFA football game

Lexa founder Rob Koster, No stranger to offshore Tax formulas and Trust offices 

Hugo Sluimer Fraudulently Claims to be a Monaco Citizen 

Hugo Sluimer accused of offshore money laundering

Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer  usury and criminal usury exposed.

Rob Koster Solicited Alleged Money Launderer Hugo Sluimer to invest in his Projects


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