Caught again: Cozi Emmen BV Founder Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer harass wife of key witness to force silence.


Cozi Emmen BV founder Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer (both public figures) harassed the wife of a key witness to force her and her family into silence. Yesterday, the men emailed the witness's wife at her workplace, sending links to blogs they created containing false, defamatory information to intimidate her. 

Hugo Sluimer (Left) Mikko Pakkanen (right)

This month, Rob Koster had been attempting to settle a dismissed case with a key witness, but those efforts failed. Now, it seems their strategy has reverted to causing more destruction, intimidation, and attacking the woman and her career.

One of the multiple defamatory blogs created and published by Sluimer and Koster falsely states that no settlement discussions took place. However, this is contradicted by Rob Koster’s own WhatsApp messages, which clearly show he discussed a settlement agreement conclusively in January 2024.

Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer wrote: 

"Recent blog posts by [name redacted] suggesting settlement talks between Rob Koster, Hugo Sluimer, and [name redacted] have been refuted. Contrary to earlier speculation, there is no indication of any such negotiations taking place at this time." (Read the full text below).

However, ROB KOSTER'S WhatsApp messages clearly indicate that settlement discussions did indeed take place in January 2024 as can be seen below:

Rob Koster

The reason Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer continue to lie is unclear and unnecessary. The men continue to spread false narratives, create dammages and reputational harm in an attempt to destory the witness and his wife to cover up their activities. 

As the settlement discussions progressed, Rob Koster offered to have his attorney attempt to remove the lawsuit from the dockets, which contained false accusations and narratives they knew were untrue. This seemed to be a step in the right direction, but unfortunately Koster was not willing to take responsibility in any form. These new fraudulent blogs create more damage and suffering and will likely escalate the situation further.

The actions taken by Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer represent a clear and deliberate patern / attempt to silence and intimidate through the spread of falsehoods and defamation. Despite their efforts to portray themselves as uninvolved in settlement discussions, the evidence contradicts their claims. Their refusal to accept responsibility, coupled with the creation of misleading and false content, not only exacerbates the situation but also inflicts unwarranted distress. It is important to question the motives behind such actions, which appear to be rooted in a desire to manipulate and control the narrative at the expense of truth and integrity.  Going after a Woman shows how far the men are willing to go. 


Read Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer’s fraudulent blog below:


No Settlement Talks in Dismissed Case Involving XXXXXXXX

By Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer

Recent blog posts by XXXXXXXXX suggesting settlement talks between Rob Koster, Hugo Sluimer and XXXXXXXX have been refuted. Contrary to the earlier speculation, there is no indication of any such negotiations taking place at this time.

The legal dispute, which initially appeared as a business disagreement, has indeed seen its share of complexities and controversies. However, assertions of settlement discussions remain unfounded. Koster and Sluimer have not made any public statements regarding such talks, nor have there been any official confirmations from their legal representatives.


Moreover, the allegations of personal threats from xxxxxxxxx lack substantial evidence and have not been corroborated by reliable sources. Any insinuations regarding their involvement in such activities should be treated with caution until proven otherwise.

Although recent revelations have brought attention to certain loan documents, Koster and Sluimer have taken proactive steps to address these matters through proper legal channels. With the assistance of experienced legal counsel, they are diligently navigating through these complexities to safeguard their rights and ensure adherence to legal standards.

In conclusion, assertions of settlement talks and personal misconduct surrounding the case involving Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer against XXXXXXXXX are unsubstantiated and should not be taken as confirmed facts. It is imperative to rely on accurate information from credible sources to understand the true nature of the situation.

Rob Koster and Hugo Sluimer cowardly target child

Read more about Hugo Sluimer and Rob Koster

Lexa founder Rob Koster, No stranger to offshore Tax formulas and Trust offices 


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